A Trip to the Mountains

I’m in the United Arab Emirates and on Friday we took a day trip with friends over to the East coast and the Indian ocean, followed by a mountain drive up some very scary roads.

Mountain road 1

A view to the mountain road ahead. It goes from 500 metres above sea level to 1350 metres in just a few kilometres. The roads were so steep and bendy, I couldn’t look on the way up!

Mountain road 2

Coming down again: The very steep downhills with amazing hairpin bends.

Mountain road 3

Sunset on the hills as we descend back to sea level.

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A Trip to the Mountains

I’m in the United Arab Emirates and on Friday we took a day trip with friends over to the East coast and the Indian ocean, followed by a mountain drive up some very scary roads.

Mountain road 1

A view to the mountain road ahead. It goes from 500 metres above sea level to 1350 metres in just a few kilometres. The roads were so steep and bendy, I couldn’t look on the way up!

Mountain road 2

Coming down again: The very steep downhills with amazing hairpin bends.

Mountain road 3

Sunset on the hills as we descend back to sea level.

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